Medical Cannabis Doctors in Artesia Recommend Using Cannabis For a Better Sleep

What’s your idea of a perfect sleep? Complete bliss! Well I heard that. That’s pretty understandable. Human beings are living in the peak of comforts yet they are consumed by stress and anxiety. This disrupts the working mechanism of the body and impairs the basic functioning including sleep. Medical cannabis doctors in Artesia recommend using cannabis for ideal sleep.

Why is sound sleep becoming harder to achieve?

Sleep is a necessity and a normal part of human existence. But with increasing presence of stress and workload, the sleep pattern is getting disturbed. In order to sleep properly, there is one necessity—bliss. We have programmed our mind such that we have made stress a normal part of our lives.  
Almost 10 percent of the US population is living with chronic insomnia. With rising cases of sleep disorders, people are resorting to OTC medications to sleep better. While the medications are known to work but they are addictive and come with multiple side-effects.This fuels the need for a safer option to treat it and medical cannabis doctors in Artesia recommend the use of cannabis.

How does cannabis help in sleeping better?

The sleep inducing properties of cannabis arise from the active compounds CBD and THC. They work by interacting with the endocannabinoid system which has receptors throughout the body. The main receptors at work include CB1 and CB2 which interact with the active compounds to induce therapeutic effects on the body. 

Talking about sleep, THC is the main component which works as a sedative. It is known to interact with the CB1 receptors in the brain which have the centers controlling sleep and cognitive activity. Also, THC is psychoactive which means it induces a high which helps in sleeping better.

Another aspect which cannot be missed is that THC has the sedative effects while reducing the time of REM sleep which eliminates the possibility nightmares. Also, studies suggest that THC improves the breathing during sleep which contributes to a better sleep.

CBD predominantly interacts with the CB-2 receptors which mark their presence in the immune system and other vital organs of the body. CBD or cannabidiol has the anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing any traces of pain or muscle tension. Naturally, in absence of any pain, you are bound to sleep better. It’s as simple as that. 

If you are planning to use cannabis for treating insomnia, then getting an online cannabis card in Artesia to help you get started.

Which are the best strains for good sleep?

Skywalker OG

This potent strain packs a powerful punch with high indica content.The moment you smoke or ingest this strain, you are bound to be in a state of constant high which is sure to make you sleep better.

Afghan Kush

Strain induces the body high effects which reduce any traces of pain you may have to help you sleep without any difficulties.

Northern Lights

This strain with its high THC content is a great option for sleep therapy. It alleviates any form of pain you may have to let you sleep in a way you deserve.

Sleep is an aspect which should not be missed and medical cannabis doctors in Artesia by using the medicinal benefits of cannabis can provide you with the therapy that you earnestly needed. When you have an MMJ card you can buy the ideal strains for helping you sleep better. A good night of sleep is just a step away.
